Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Managing Gestational Diabetes Symptoms to Prevent Diabetic Coma

Even if you do not have diabetes, there are instances when you will acquire this disorder during pregnancy which is called gestational diabetes. As a mother, you would surely want your baby to be healthy so if you are diagnosed with this, you should know how to manage it properly thereby avoiding diabetic coma. You can start with knowing the different gestational diabetes symptoms.

Gestational diabetes mellitus or GDM is a condition that happens to pregnant women during pregnancy even if they did not have diabetes before. Some of the risk factors for this disorder are family history wherein one of your family members has diabetes and when you had this condition during a previous pregnancy. You are also at risk when you are obese and when you are beyond age 35 during pregnancy. Those who have a history of miscarriage and stillbirth are also at risk, as well as those who have elevated blood pressure and urinary tract infections that are pregnancy induced.

A diagnosis of gestational diabetes can only be done when the blood sugar levels are tested. However, the different gestational diabetes symptoms can also help so that a diagnosis can be made. Usually, there are no symptoms exhibited when a pregnant woman has gestational diabetes but there are those who exhibit frequent urination and increase in hunger and thirst which are the three classical signs of diabetes. There can also be nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, bladder and yeast infections. To avoid complications, there is a universal screening for GDM which is done during the 24th to the 28th week of pregnancy.

For the treatment of gestational diabetes symptoms, the goal is to reduce the risks for both the mother and the child. You should maintain a healthy diet, decreasing your intake of carbohydrates and increasing your intake of fiber, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Exercise should also be done regularly but it should be done moderately. For some, you will need to take medications and will be under insulin therapy to control your blood sugar levels. Metformin is one of the common medications that will help manage your insulin level which minimizes the occurrence of gestational diabetes symptoms.

How important is it to manage gestational diabetes mellitus? When you do not take care of yourself, there will be complications for both you and your baby. You can have different cardiovascular disorders, diabetic ketoacidosis and even diabetic coma. Diabetic coma is a reversible type of coma, a medical emergency that occurs when diabetes is not treated properly. For the baby, there can be birth traumas, hypoglycemia, low levels of calcium and magnesium and prolonged jaundice, the yellowing of the skin. The baby can also be macrosomic or large and fat and can have respiratory distress syndrome. The worse complications of GDM for babies are death during infancy and stillbirth.

GD increases your risk for having diabetes mellitus after giving birth. You can minimize that however when you receive the proper treatments while you are still pregnant. And of course, you are keeping your baby healthy when you take care of yourself.

Incoming search terms

gestational diabetes,diabetic coma,managing gestational diabetes


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